Top FinTech Innovations to Watch This Year

The financial technology (FinTech) industry is evolving rapidly, revolutionizing how individuals and businesses interact with money. From advanced payment solutions to cutting-edge blockchain applications, FinTech is pushing the boundaries of traditi…

What are the Various Types of Vehicle Security Systems?

Car security is important for every vehicle. As prices rise and classic cars get rarer, it's important that we protect our vehicles with security systems that are easy, convenient and, most importantly, effective. But which system should you choos…

Vehicle security systems: A state of the union

Modern alarm systems can give you a fighting chance of remaining one step ahead of well-heeled thieves.  Of course, the more complex the system, the more significant challenge for the diagnostic and repair technician. I remember my first car just lik…

Car alarm systems: Find the right security for your vehicle

Key takeaways A car alarm system can range in price from $15 to more than $300 Many auto insurers offer premium discounts for cars with alarms Installation can be expensive, but worth it if you don’t have the skills to DIY Blaring car alarms may be th…

Cell Phones: The Most Dangerous Thing On The Road

Maybe you don/’t text while you drive, but you’re guilty of using talk-to-text or other features? You might want to set your phone down instead. Effective July 1,   Indiana joins more than 18 states that ban using or holding cellphones while operati…

Are phones and driving always a bad mix?

Phoning while behind the wheel is often blamed for road deaths, says Colin Barras, but is keeping connected in a car always dangerous? It’s perhaps one of the most flouted rules of the road. Despite bans in many places, more than   half of US driver…

Data Spotlight: Distracted Driving Is Dangerous and Costly

Distracted driving refers to any activity that pulls a driver’s focus from the road. Such activities may include talking or texting on the phone, eating or drinking, talking to passengers, and adjusting the stereo or navigation system. In 2020, the Na…

Data Privacy Nightmares In Smart Cars: Understanding The Risks

Are smart cars jeopardizing your privacy? Dive into the data privacy nightmares of connected vehicles. Stay informed, stay safe! Dive into connected vehicles with Hebberly Ahatlan, product marketing director at Intertrust Technologies. Uncover the d…

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